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What is BACWC?

Business Against Crime South Africa (BACSA) was established by Business in 1996 in response to a request from the then President Nelson Mandela, who invited business to join hands with Government in the fight against crime. It is a special purpose vehicle, with the sole mandate to engage and give support to Government on crime-related matters. Since then BACSA has expanded its footprint to seven provinces (excluding the Free State and Limpopo). This gave impetus in the formation of Business Against Crime Western Cape (BACWC) in 1997.

Business Against Crime Western Cape (BACWC) is a Non-Profit Company, with a Section 18A status (i.e. donor funds are tax deductible by the donor organization) and is also registered as a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) with the National Department of Social Development and is governed by an independent board of directors. BACWC is wholly dependent on the commitment and generosity of companies who provide financial and other support. Since its inception BACWC has supported Government’s anti-crime efforts in a wide variety of areas across the Criminal Justice System as well as the business sector.


To create a safe and secure Western Cape where its people and businesses thrive without the threat of crime and violence.

Core Values